1. "uy papa que chimba ser parcero de este man". Será que el de la izquierda (en la foto no?) se siente realizado por ser amigo del de la derecha (valga la redundancia)?
2. Un momento, si el de la izquierda es el salvador y el de la derecha claramente es una bestia a niveles internacionales record-guinness, como pueden hablar la misma mierda?
3. Cuantas veces la palabra "terrorismo" saldrá en sus conversaciones... será que es jerga paisa/texana y nosotros "no entender"?
4. yo si tengo una idea de lo que están diciendo....
"Let's Have A War"
There's so many of us, So many of us, So many, there's so many, there's so many
Let's have a war,So you can go and die,
Let's have a war,We could all use the money,
Let's have a war,We need the space,
Let's have a war,Clean out this place
It already started in the city, Suburbia will be just as easy
Let's have a war,Jack up the Dow Jones,
Let's have a war,It can start in New Jersey,
Let's have a war,Blame it on the middle-class,
Let's have a war,We're like rats in a cage
It already started in the city,Suburbia will be just as easy
Let's have a war,Sell the rights to the networks,
Let's have a war,Let our wallets get fat like last time,
Let's have a war,Give guns to the queers,
Let's have a war,The enemy's within
It already started in the city,Suburbia will be just as easy
A Perfect Circle - Emotive (2005)
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