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viernes, 21 de octubre de 2005

blackout weaves its way through the cities

culto a la estupidez
Un aliento para nuestro momento en la historia: de verdad conocimos uno de sus personajes mas tontos y burlescos, una prueba real de una maquinaria invisible con hombres descorazonados y de intereses antiguos que todavía se mantienen ocultos en la falacia "democrática"...

¿Por cuanto tiempo no la vamos a dejar montar?
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Este fincho nos veremos por acá las caras con su clon colombiano y su sueño reeleccionista. Lo que tengo es lora para echar y fuerza para denunciarte Alvarin buddy, all i have to say for now is .....

let the games begin!!!!!!!!!!

bushleaguer (Pearl Jam - riot act) How does he do it? How do they do it? Uncanny and immutable.This is such a happening tailpipe of a party.Like sugar, the guests are so refined.
A confidence man but why so beleagued? He's not a leader he's a Texas leaguer. Swinging for the fence. Got lucky with a strike. Drilling for fear makes the job simple. Born on third. Thinks he got a triple.
Blackout weaves its way through the cities. Blackout weaves its way through the cities.

I remember when you sang that song about today. Now it's tomorrow and everything has changed.
A think tank of aloof multiplication.A nicotine wish and a columbus decanter. Retrenchment and hoggishness. The aristocrat choir sings, "What's the ruckus?" The haves have not a clue. The immenseness of suffering.And the odd negotiation., A rarity. With onionskin plausibility of life. And a keyboard reaffirmation.
Blackout weaves its way through the cities.Blackout weaves its way through the cities.

I remember when you sang that song about today.Now it's tomorrow and everything has changed.